Zoe Cheung

I am a nineteen-year-old aspiring pastry chef. I grew up in Surrey, British Columbia. My fascination with the pastry arts began in my childhood, where the help of my grandma and the artistic influence of my mom guided me to my passion. My favourite desserts to make include cakes, entremets and danishes. Prior to pastry arts school, I started a small business selling cakes and confections out of my home. Learning from my experienced Chefs at school improved my organization, my confidence in the kitchen and opened my eyes to the vast possibilities of this career path. I graduated in April 2021 and received the President's Award in my class. After my time at the Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts, I began working at Just Cakes Bakeshop in Cloverdale, British Columbia. I am currently working as a cake decorator with plans of taking on more responsibility in the near future! I am eager to begin my career and continue to learn.